World No Tobacco Day 2024: Let's Unite for a Tobacco-Free World

Every year on May 31st, World No Tobacco Day is observed. Each year, this event is organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to spread more awareness about the negative effects of consuming tobacco. It also highlights the importance of creating strict policies to curb the use of tobacco effectively. World No Tobacco Day serves as a reminder of the negative effects of tobacco use, but it also offers us hope by serving as an example of how individuals can overcome even the most dire circumstances and negative aspects of life to create the healthiest possible world in which tobacco use is a thing of the past.

Therefore, the purpose of this specific day is to serve as a reminder that, in order to combat the most terrible sickness caused due to the consumption of tobacco, appropriate and strict measures must be taken. Read this blog to increase awareness and connect with Neotia Getwel Multispecialty Hospital for 24*7 emergency care and the best medical assistance.

The World Health Assembly's endorsement of Resolution WHA40.38 in 1987, which established an annual commemoration of "World No Smoking Day," is closely linked to the establishment of World No Tobacco Day.

The intention was to illustrate the global growth of tobacco use and the resulting health risks associated with it, such as respiratory conditions, different forms of cancer, and cardiovascular disorders.

World No Tobacco Day 2024 addresses the pressing issue of the worldwide battle against tobacco usage and all of its detrimental effects on the environment and human health. The theme for this year is "Tobacco: "Threat to Our Environment," which offers a comprehensive overview of the environmental effects of the production, cultivation, and consumption of tobacco. It is an investigative piece that exposes the systematic neglect of an industry that is centred around tobacco and is responsible for environmental degradation.

In addition to heart disease, lung disease, cancer, and stroke, tobacco smoking is a significant risk factor for a number of chronic illnesses. It is responsible for around 1.35 million fatalities annually in India and is one of the leading causes of illness and mortality, as per the WHO. Also, India is the world's second-biggest producer and user of tobacco.

Let us now know in detail about the health risks of consuming tobacco:

  • The main risk factor that contributes to the development of lung cancer is tobacco use, including both cigarettes and beedis. Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death in India. Additionally, smoking raises the risk of cancer in the mouth, larynx (vocal box), pharynx (throat), esophagus, kidney, cervix, liver, bladder, pancreas, stomach, and colon/rectum. Chewing tobacco, pipes, cigars, and cigarettes can all lead to cancer. Tobacco products are never safe to use.
  • Smoking tobacco also destroys the lungs' tiny air sacs and passageways. Lung function deteriorates as soon as a person starts smoking and it keeps getting worse the longer they smoke. The damage caused to the lungs by the smoke of tobacco can lead to long-term lung diseases. Such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Smoking tobacco can also elevate the risk of lung infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis. It can also deteriorate existing lung diseases like asthma.
  • Smoking tobacco is also another major cause of cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke. This cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death for both men and women. Smoking tobacco raises the risk of blood clots and these blood clots block the flow of blood to the heart, brain or legs. Smokers even end up having their limbs amputated due to blood circulation restrictions caused by tobacco smoking. People who smoke are at a higher risk of having heart attacks than non-smokers.
  • Another negative effect of tobacco use on our health is diabetes. It causes type 2 diabetes. Those who smoke regularly have a 30–40% increased risk of diabetes compared to non-smokers. Smoking can also worsen the existing health conditions related to type 1 diabetes, like kidney disease, eye disease, and poor blood circulation, which can lead to gangrene.
  • Smoking tobacco also causes dental problems. It enhances the risk of gum diseases such as loss of tooth and tooth sensitivity. If a person already has gum damage, smoking further deteriorates the condition and makes it even harder for their gums to heal.
  • Smoking can lower fertility, which makes becoming pregnant more challenging. Hormone production may be adversely affected by smoking. Tobacco smoke exposure and smoking both have negative effects on reproductive health. It can harm a sperm's DNA.

There is no safe level of smoking. The best option is to quit smoking tobacco. However, quitting the consumption of tobacco is not as easy as it may sound. Here are some of the ways that will assist you in your journey to quit tobacco consumption. Follow these tips for quitting smoking:

  • To quit tobacco usage you can ask your healthcare provider about nicotine replacement therapy. This therapy may include options like prescription nicotine in nasal sprays or inhalers. Stop-smoking medications are prescribed that do not contain nicotine, like bupropion. You can also use nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges.
  • Try to avoid tobacco triggers. The locations where you smoke or chew tobacco the most, such as parties or bars, as well as moments when you're worried or drinking coffee, are probably the ones where you'll have the highest tobacco cravings. Determine what your triggers are and create a strategy to either avoid or deal with them without smoking.
  • Engaging in physical exercise can assist you in avoiding smoking cravings. A few quick movements, like rushing up and down the stairs, will help quell an urge to smoke. Take a jog or a stroll outside.
  • Always try to remind yourself about the benefits of quitting smoking tobacco and also about the health consequences of tobacco use. You can write it down or say out loud the reason why you want to quit consuming tobacco.

Remember that doing something is always preferable to doing nothing when it comes to squelching the temptation to smoke. You also get closer to quitting tobacco every time you fight the urge to smoke.

Final words: On this World No Tobacco Day, let us champion advocacy for tobacco control policies and opt for a healthier lifestyle free of tobacco. Furthermore, you can connect with Neotia Getwel Multispecialty Hospital for 24*7 emergency care and the best medical assistance.


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